ASECS Baltimore Updates

A few updates and reminders in anticipation of our upcoming annual meeting in Baltimore March 31-April 2.

Early-bird registration for ASECS in Baltimore ends today, February 7th! Here is the registration link: You can also find the draft program, and hotel information there.

Deadline for submissions to the Graduate Student Paper prize, as well as various travel grants are coming up on February 15th. Please see our page Prizes and Grants, or contact Enid Valle.

Remember to renew your dues, or join us if you haven’t done that officially yet. See the bottom of our website menu to mail in dues, or pay via Paypal under the “Donate” button.

Lastly, be on the lookout for information about our annual IASECS meeting and dinner, to be held on Friday, April 1, 2022 in Baltimore.

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