Spring 2017 Newsletter

Dear IASECS Members,
Hello again to all who attended ASECS in Minneapolis. To those who were unable to attend this year’s meeting, we hope to see you next spring in Orlando.
The ASECS program this year featured 20 (yes, 20!) sessions in which IASECS members were organizers and/or participants. The topics reflected the varied interests of our members, and many sessions included scholars from other disciplines and/or national literatures. The IASECS session this year was in honor of one of our founders, Ted Braun. Entitled “Ilustrados y Afrancesados: A Session in Honor of Professor Theodore E.D. Braun,” it was organized and chaired by Betsy Lewis. The high point of the session was the presentation by Ted himself, in which he spoke of his life and career. We all found his comments about his
family (his parents, his wife and daughter) especially touching. Paying tribute to Ted at a conference in Minneapolis was far more fitting than we realized
when Betsy initially proposed the session. As she looked into the history of our organization, she found that it had been was founded at an ASECS meeting in Minneapolis in 1991. So, in a way, we have come full circle, and Ted can be justly proud of the organization he helped bring into being. This year, rather than 4 people giving papers to one another, there were over 30! And each year we welcome new members.

The IASECS session was held immediately before the Business Meeting, and in Ted’s honor, the Wig Society made an early appearance at the session. For those of you not able to attend, this year the wigs—ravishing as always—were decorated with miniature sailboats and pooping moose (yes, you read that correctly), purchased at the Mall of America. Our tribute to Ted continued during the Business Meeting. Cathy Jaffe, Secretary-Treasurer, presented Ted with a Jefferson Cup on behalf of IASECS. It was engraved, “T.E.D. Braun, Ibero-American Society for 18th-Century Studies.” Longtime IASECS members Peggy
Bonds and Clorinda Donato both spoke in appreciation of Ted. As always, we elected new officers and discussed topics for sessions next year. Remember proposals are due by May 15.

Our annual dinner was held right after the meeting at Spoonriver, a restaurant located just a few blocks from the Mississippi River in the Old Mill section of Minneapolis. This year we had 33 in attendance. A special thank you to Cathy, who has been our Secretary-Treasurer and done the hard work of keeping things going for the past six years.
We will reconvene in Orlando, March 22-25, 2018. Get your mouse ears ready!
Un abrazo,
Madeline Sutherland-Meier

Recap of IASECS Business Meeting

2017 Officers:
President: Madeline Sutherland-Meier, The University of Texas at Austin
Vice President: Renee Gutiérrez, Longwood University
Secretary/Treasurer: Cathy Jaffe, Texas State University (1 year)
Member-at-Large: (3 years): Elena Deanda, Washington College
Member at-Large: (2 years): Clorinda Donato, California State University-Long Beach
Member-at-Large:(1 year): Mehl Penrose, University of Maryland
Immediate past President: Yvonne Fuentes, University of West Georgia
President 2 yrs ago: Hazel Gold, Emory University
Pilar G. Sáenz Student Essay Prize & María Salgado Student Travel Grants: Enid Valle, Chair of Committee, Kalamazoo College
Webpage editor: Betsy Lewis, University of Mary Washington
Members in attendance 2017
Welcome to our new members!
1. Mehl Penrose
2. Clorinda Donato
3. Hazel Gold
4. David Slade
5. Kevin Sedeño-Guillén
6. Kathleen Fueger
7. Margaret Ewalt
8. Karissa Bushman
9. Frieda Koeninger
10. Mehl Penrose
11. Betsy Lewis
12. Yolopattli Hernández Torres
13. Nicholas Wolters
14. Sean Gullickson
15. Renee Gutiérrez
16. Ana Rueda
17. Yvonne Fuentes
18. Pamela Phillips
19. Karen Stolley
20. Ana María Díaz Burgos
21. Susan Deans-Smith
22. Enid Valle
23. Gaby Miller
24. Mariselle Meléndez
25. Elena Deanda
26. Madeline Sutherland-Meier
27. Cathy Jaffe
28. Peggy Bond

Enid Valle reported that the María Salgado Travel Grant was awarded to Verónica Múñoz Nájar, University of California, Berkeley, who was unfortunately unable to attend the conference.

There were no submissions for the Pilar Sáenz Student Essay Prize. Please mentor your students and help them revise and submit essays for the award. We voted to raise the award amount to $300.
We have THREE prizes/grants. Please encourage your students to apply for the
student essay prize.
1. Pilar G. Sáenz Student Essay Prize ($300.00 + IASECS 1-year membership)
2. María Salgado Student Travel Grants (up to $400);
3. ASECS Registration Fee Grant (two awards). Funds for the travel and
registration grants are disbursed after reading a paper at the ASECS.
We held elections for calendar year 2018. Our bylaws stipulate that members must be present at the convention to be elected. Congratulations to our new officers for 2018:

Vice President, Frieda Koeninger, Sam Houston State
Member-at-large: (3 yrs): Kevin Sedeño-Guillén, University of Kentucky
Secretary/Treasurer (3 yrs.): Betsy Lewis, University of Mary Washington

We presented T.E.D. Braun, University of Delaware, with a commemorative Jefferson Cup to recognize his unflagging support for IASECS and his crucial role in its founding in 1990.

Panel proposals are due to ASECS by MAY 15, 2017. So that we can request that our sessions not be scheduled opposite each other, please also copy your proposal to Cathy Jaffe . Anyone may present a panel proposal. Suggested titles/themes for panels and those who will prepare abstracts are as follows:

  • 1808: Consequences of Aranjuez. Fables, Tales, and Caricatures of Opposition and Protest (Yvonne Fuentes)
  • Contesting Empires and Ports in the Caribbean (Renee Gutiérrez)
  • Goya (Elena Deanda) [official IASECS session]
  • Bull! Tauromachy in the Enlightenment (Ana Rueda)
  • Climate, Ecology, Natural Disasters (Mariselle Meléndez)
  • Multiconfessionality (Hazel Gold)

Betsy Lewis has launched an IASECS webpage and Facebook page. https://iasecs.org/
NOTE: The official email distribution list is still IASECS@yahoogroups.com
If you are not on the list, please write to Cathy Jaffe (cj10@txstate.edu).

Dieciocho is now published digitally and is free.

The ASECS Women’s Caucus will hold its 2nd Masked Ball in Orlando. The first ball was a huge success in Williamsburg. Rumor has it that Doña Enid Valle was a much soughtafter dance partner. Get your wigs, fans, tricorns, and canes ready! Ask your theater departments for a costume or bring your own (Spanish or Latin American) 18th-century attire.

The Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (WSECS) will hold its conference “Conversing among the Ruins: the Persistence of the Baroque” February 16-17, 2018, at UNLV / Las Vegas, NV. For more information, visit www.wsecs.org.

“La Ciencia Literaria Europea en Tiempos de Juan Andrés (1740-1817)”
(Historia de la literatura, literatura comparada, teoría y crítica literarias, retórica, bibliografía, edición de textos y hermenéutica ) http://diarium.usal.es/elyp/congresos/IEMYRhd-Universidad de Salamanca , 29-30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre de 2017. CONVOCATORIA Las propuestas de participación con comunicación serán enviadas antes del 30 de
abril de 2017 por correo electrónico a la dirección szleon@usal.es. La aceptación de las propuestas se anunciará antes del 15 de mayo de 2017.

The journal Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture Vol 48 welcomes Ibero-American submissions. The SECC editor Eve T. Bannet (University of Oklahoma) especially asked us to remind IASECS members to submit articles based on papers presented at ASECS or any affiliate society conference this year. Individuals may submit 7,000-9,000 word articles, including endnotes. Articles are usually written in English but other modern European languages are also accepted. SECC also encourages joint submission of clusters of 3-4 5,000-
6,000 word papers from panels. These papers must be submitted together, with an introduction by the organizer. Guidelines for Submission: conference papers presented at regional and national meetings of ASECS and its affiliate societies between JULY 1, 2016 and JUNE 30, 2017 are eligible. The FIRM deadline for submission of single articles or clusters of articles is August 18, 2017.
Electronic submission is preferred.

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