ASECS in St. Louis, IASECS and ASECS Dues, Join an ASECS Committee, and some sad news…

Hi everyone. We’re looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis March 9-11, 2023. Our annual IASECS business meeting will be on Friday, March 10, followed by dinner. Stay tuned for info about the dinner.

Whether you come to St. Louis or not, please remember to pay your IASECS and ASECS Dues. To pay the IASECS dues, just hit the “Donate” button on the left hand menu. That will take you to a paypal site where you can pay your $20 dues, and add a donation if you wish. We suggest at least $1 to cover the transaction fee.

Please see below a message from Cathy Jaffe, who is on the ASECS Executive Board about the St. Louis conference, ASECS dues, and volunteering for an ASECS committee:

Dear IASECS colleagues,

I hope everyone’s semester or term is off to a good start.

Our ASECS conference in St. Louis is approaching and it is very important that everyone pay their ASECS dues and register. Make your reservation at the conference hotel, because ASECS will lose money if we don’t meet our block of rooms.

ASECS depends on our membership dues! Even if you’re not able to attend the conference, you need to stay current with ASECS dues to continue to have access to ECCO, receive news and other programming, apply for awards, and vote in elections.

Join, renew, or check your membership status here:

How can YOU make a difference to our field? ASECS really wants to diversify committee membership. The Steering Committee has asked me to reach out especially to our wonderful IASECS members so that our field and interests are represented on these important committees.

If you would be willing to volunteer for a committee, you can sign up here:

Looking forward to seeing everyone in St. Louis in March!

Cathy Jaffe
ASECS Executive Board, 2020-2023.

Theodore E.D. (Ted) Braun 1933-2022

We were saddened to learn recently of the death of IASECS founder and cheerleader, Ted Braun, in December 2022.

Here is a link to a nice piece about Ted, his life, and career from the Voltaire Foundation:

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