Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment (CIRGEN): Upcoming Conference

From our colleagues at the Universitat de València, working on the EU-sponsored CIRGEN project:

We are pleased to announce the programme for our Conference Gender, Modernity and the Global Enlightenment, which will take place on February 23, 24 and 25, online and in person.

Venue: Facultat de Geografia i Història. Salón de Grados (1st floor).

Avinguda Blasco Ibáñez, 28. 46010 València (Spain).

Attendance is free, but please register here by the 20th whether you plan to attend online or in person (please note that places are limited).

We are looking forward to seeing many of you soon!


ASECS Baltimore Updates

A few updates and reminders in anticipation of our upcoming annual meeting in Baltimore March 31-April 2.

Early-bird registration for ASECS in Baltimore ends today, February 7th! Here is the registration link: You can also find the draft program, and hotel information there.

Deadline for submissions to the Graduate Student Paper prize, as well as various travel grants are coming up on February 15th. Please see our page Prizes and Grants, or contact Enid Valle.

Remember to renew your dues, or join us if you haven’t done that officially yet. See the bottom of our website menu to mail in dues, or pay via Paypal under the “Donate” button.

Lastly, be on the lookout for information about our annual IASECS meeting and dinner, to be held on Friday, April 1, 2022 in Baltimore.

Updated Draft of IASECS-involved sessions at ASECS sessions in Baltimore

This post has been updated with the addition of a pre-conference teaching workshop led by Renee Gutierrez on March 30th.

Below is a listing of IASECS member involved sessions scheduled for our upcoming meeting in Baltimore, March 31-April 2, 2022. There are some of our sessions that coincide, so let Betsy know if you’d like to see if we could move a session that you chair. Some of you may know that the MLA just ended and was not a huge success with Omicron and snow. Hopefully we will fare better in March!

Sessions with IASECS members in draft ASECS program (as of 15 Dec. 2021, please let us know if we’ve missed someone)

March 30th, 1:00-4:00

Course Revision Workshop: Inclusive Approaches that Help All Students Achieve Learning Outcomes

Session II: Thursday, 31 March, 9:45-11:15 a.m.

CFP 149: Colonial Enlightenments of Enlightened Colonialisms (page [7] of draft program): Elena Deanda-Camacho & Mariselle Melendez

Session IV: Thursday, 31 March, 2:30-4:00 p.m.

CFP 163: Eighteenth-Century Port Cities (page [14] of draft program): Karen Stolley, Valentina Tikoff, & Mariselle Melendez

Session V: Thursday, 31 March, 4:15-5:45 p.m.

CFP 170: Roundtable: Early Caribbean Currents (page [17] of draft program): Omar Miranda

Session VI, Friday, 1 April, 8:00-9:30 a.m.

CFP 58: Women and Work in the Global Eighteenth Century I (pages [19-20] of draft program): Betsy Lewis & Yolopath Hernández-Torres

Session VII: Friday, 1 April, 9:45-11:15 a.m.

CFP 35: The Eighteenth-Century Last Will and Testament I (page [22] of draft program): Pamela Phillips & Yvonne Fuentes

CFP 58.1: Women and Work in the Global Eighteenth Century II (pages [22-23] of draft program): Betsy Lewis

CFP 174: Territoriality, language and power in the 18th-century Ibero-American World (page [24] of draft program) IASECS-sponsored session Cathy Jaffe & Gabriela Villanueva Noriega

Session X: Saturday, 2 April, 9:45-11:15 a.m.

CFP 87: North and South: Mapping the Eighteenth-Century Idea of Europe (pages [34-35] of draft program): Hazel Gold, Monica Bolufer, and Clorinda Donato

Session XI: Saturday, 2 April, 2:00-3:30 p.m.

CFP 147: The Unproductive—Sexualities (page [40] of draft program): Elena Deanda

Session XII: Saturday, 2 April, 3:45-5:15 p.m.

CFP 147: The The Eighteenth-Century Last Will and Testament II (page [40] of draft program): Pamela Phillips

ASECS Baltimore Paper Proposal Deadline Extended to October 8th

The Baltimore Program Committee has extended the deadline for submitting abstracts to session organizers through Friday, October 8th. We hope this will allow ample time for folks who have simply been overburdened at the start of this uncertain semester to apply to session organizers. 

IASECS involved sessions and their organizers are listed below. Please consider submitting your paper, and pass around this info to colleagues and students you think may be interested.

  • (Session 174) Territoriality, language, and power in the 18th-Century Ibero-American world. Catherine Jaffe, Texas State, University, This is our official IASECS session.
  • (Session 35) The Eighteenth-Century Last Will and Testament. Pamela Phillips, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, 46)
  • Trial by Combat: Paper, Pen, or Pistol. Yvonne Fuentes,
  • (Session 58) Women and Work in the Global Eighteenth Century. Elizabeth Franklin Lewis, University of Mary Washington,
  • (Session 81) Queerness as Contagion in Iberian and Latin American Literature Mehl A. Penrose, U of Maryland,
  • (Session 84) Out of the Shadows: Other Gothic Visions. Kathleen Fueger, Independent Scholar/Chapter 3 Copyediting & Translation,
  • (Session 87) North and South: Mapping the 18th-Century Idea of Europe. Hazel Gold, Emory University,
  • (Session 143) Castrati: Science, Surgery, and Sexuality (Roundtable). Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach,
  • (Session 149) Colonial Enlightenments or Enlightened Colonialisms. Elena Deanda,
  • (Session 163) Eighteenth-Century Port Cities Karen Stolley (Emory University); Valentina Tikoff (DePaul University)
  • ASECS Town Hall August 18, CFP 2022 ASECS in Baltimore

    Wednesday, August 18 from 4-5:30pm ET, there will be a Town Hall discussion for ASECS members. The agenda is posted here: You may sign up to attend the Town Hall, by adding your name to this google form. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to write to this address:

    Also the Call for Papers for the 2022 ASECS Annual Meeting, to be held in Baltimore, March 31- April 2, 2022, is out. Proposals should be sent to session organizer by September 17, 2021.

    Below is a list of sessions proposed by IASECS members. If you organized a session that is not listed and would like it announced on this website, just let Betsy Lewis know (

    • (Session 174) Territoriality, language, and power in the 18th-Century Ibero-American world. Catherine Jaffe, Texas State, University, This is our official IASECS session.
    • (Session 35) The Eighteenth-Century Last Will and Testament. Pamela Phillips, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras,
    • (Session 46) Trial by Combat: Paper, Pen, or Pistol. Yvonne Fuentes,
    • (Session 58) Women and Work in the Global Eighteenth Century. Elizabeth Franklin Lewis, University of Mary Washington,
    • (Session 81) Queerness as Contagion in Iberian and Latin American Literature Mehl A. Penrose, U of Maryland,
    • (Session 84) Out of the Shadows: Other Gothic Visions. Kathleen Fueger, Independent Scholar/Chapter 3 Copyediting & Translation,
    • (Session 87) North and South: Mapping the 18th-Century Idea of Europe. Hazel Gold, Emory University,
    • (Session 143) Castrati: Science, Surgery, and Sexuality (Roundtable). Clorinda Donato, California State University, Long Beach,
    • (Session 149) Colonial Enlightenments or Enlightened Colonialisms. Elena Deanda,
    • (Session 163) Eighteenth-Century Port Cities Karen Stolley (Emory University); Valentina Tikoff (DePaul University)

    Reports from 2021 Business Meeting and Brainstorming for 2022 Meeting in Baltimore

    Below please find the minutes and reports from our IASECS Business meeting, as well as notes from the Brainstorming Session at the 2021 ASECS Virtual Conference.

    Don’t forget to pay your 2021 dues, if you haven’t already. You may pay through the Paypal link on the website, or by mailing a check to Betsy, address on the website.

    Note that one item discussed during the Brainstorming Session was to have some virtual get-togethers to socialize share our research throughout the year. Be on the look-out for an invitation to participate in an organizational meeting regarding this in mid-May.


    Annual IASECS Business Meeting

    Dear IASECS members: We are excited to see you at our upcoming IASECS Business Meeting next week, held during the 2021 ASECS Virtual Conference . The meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, April 8th from 2:50pm-3:30pm Eastern Standard time. You must be registered with the conference to have access to the meeting link.

    Below is the meeting agenda:

    I. Welcome from 2020 IASECS President, Valentina Tikoff

    II. Secretary-Treasurer’s Report, Betsy Lewis

    III. Report on IASECS prizes and grants, Enid Valle

    IV. Motion to postpone elections of new IASECS leadership and to keep current officers until the 2022 ASECS meeting in Baltimore.

    Our annual brainstorming session for 2022 panels will take place on Saturday April 10th: 3:55 pm – 4:55 pm. This will be our social gathering. Wigs and tinto welcome!!

    Our Vice President Elena Deanda has prepared a listing of all IASECS involved sessions during the 2021 ASECS conference, which is published here:

    If you are chairing a session next week, we would greatly appreciate it if you could invite participants and attendees to our virtual business and brainstorming/social gatherings.

    Also, please remember to pay your 2021 dues! You can pay through the paypal link on our website menu under “Dues and Donations” , or you can click the link “Join or renew by mail” and mail a check to Betsy Lewis.

    We look forward to seeing you online next week!

    IASECS at ASECS 2021

    Below is a listing of IASECS members who are presenting at the ASECS 2021 Virtual Conference. Please let us know if we missed something. Also see the full program here:

    Please note that IASECS will meet as a group twice during the conference:

    Thursday, April 8th: 2:50-3:30 pm IASECS Business meeting

    Saturday April 10th: 3:55 pm – 4:55 pm Session Planning for 2022 ASECS (March 31-April 2, Baltimore) Wigs and tinto welcome!

    Please note that you must be registered for the ASECS 2021 conference to access the meeting links.



    6. Roundtable: Recent Research on Voltaire. [Voltaire Society of America] Chair: Nathan BROWN, Furman University

    1. Chloe EDMONDSON, Stanford University, “Voltaire’s Epistolary Invention and the Making of a Public Self” 2. Jytte LYNGVIG, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, “The Controversy between Voltaire and Maupertuis from Another Point of View” 3. Theodore E. D. BRAUN, University of Delaware, “Voltaire’s Debt to Dryden? Consider the Case of The Indian Emperour and Alzire” 4. Édouard LANGILLE, St. Francis University, “Discussion of his edition of Voltaire’s letters in English”

    7. Spanish Sensorium Chair: Elena DEANDA-CAMACHO, Washington College

    1. Lilian BRINGAS SILVA, Georgetown University, “Los bodegones de Goya” 2. Karissa BUSHMAN, Quinnipiac University, “Goya’s Illnesses and Deafness and the Impact on his Senses” 3. Meira GOLDBERG, Fashion Institute of Technology, CUNY, “The Space of Perfect Rhythm: Experiencing the Flamenco Circle” 4. Rachael Givens JOHNSON, University of Virginia, “Moving the Faithful: Hearing, Seeing, and Feeling in 18th -century Spanish-Atlantic Religious Festivals”

    9. Dangerous Latin Chair: Joshua SWIDZINSKI, University of Portland

    1. Karen STOLLEY, Emory University, “‘Some rather scattered things gathered from the fields of Mexico’: the ‘dangerous Latin’ of Rafael de Landívar’s Rusticatio Mexicana (1782)” 2. Bradford BOYD, Arizona State University, “‘Rebel Presbyterian’ and ‘Turkish Foe’: Jacobitism as Crusade in James Philip’s Grameid”


    10. Built Form in the Long Eighteenth Century Chair: Janet WHITE, UNLV

    1. Luis J. GORDO PELAEZ, California State University, “Grain Architecture in Bourbon New Spain” 2. Paul HOLMQUIST, Louisiana State University, “Une autre nature: Aristotelian Strains in Ledoux’s Theory of Architecture as Legislation” 3. Dylan Wayne SPIVEY, University of Virginia, “Building from a Book: James Gibb’s Book of Architecture and the Commodification of Architectural Style” 4. Miguel VALERIO, Washington University in St. Louis, “Architecture of Devotions: The Churches Afro-Brazilian Religious Brotherhoods Built in the Eighteenth Century”


    22. Questioning Creole Revolutions: Watersheds and Continuities Chairs: Valentina TIKOFF, DePaul University, and Madeline SUTHERLAND-MEIER, University of Texas, Austin

    1. Alexander CHAPARRO-SILVA, University of Texas, Austin, “‘Nuestra Revolución’: The Concept of Revolution and the Making of the Gran Colombian Republics (1781-1851)” 2. Scott EASTMAN, Creighton University, “Loyalty, Patriotism, and the End of Creole Revolutions” 3. Natalia SOBREVILLA PEREA, University of Kent, “From Loyalism to Independence in Peru: The Challenges of Building a New Nation from the Remains of Viceroyalty”

    32. A Change is Gonna Come: Changes in Government and Policies in the Eighteenth Century Chair: Yvonne FUENTES, University of West Georgia

    1. Matt J. SCHUMANN, Bowling Green State University, “‘To Publish a Map… Is a Most Strange Proceeding’: Publicizing the Work of the Anglo-French Boundary Commission, 1748-1754” 2. Peter C. MESSER, Mississippi State University, “From the Green to the Tavern: The Spaces and Places of Political Protest in Revolutionary America” 3. María Soledad BARBÓN, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, “The Expulsion of the Jesuits and Literary History in the Eighteenth Century” 4. Scott R. MACKENZIE, University of Mississippi, “Northanger Abbey and the Ends of Infinitude”


    43. Roundtable: Scholarly Tourism: Traveling to Research the Eighteenth Century Chair: Ula Lukszo KLEIN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

    1. Meg KOBZA, Newcastle University, “Places of Privilege: Price and Practice in Private Archives” 2. Caroline GONDA, Cambridge University, “Strawberry Hill and Shibden Hall: Anne Damer and Anne Lister” 3. Laura ENGEL, Duquesne University, “The Archival Tourist” 4. Fiona RITCHIE, McGill University, “Mentoring Student Researchers in the Archives” 5. Yvonne FUENTES, University of West Georgia, “Eighteenth Century Gossip and News: The Archives of Spanish Parish Churches, Cathedrals, and Basilicas”

    47. The Female Wunderkind in the Eighteenth Century: Learning Prospects and Gender Gaps in the Age of Enlightenment Chair: Jürgen OVERHOFF, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

    1. Mónica BOLUFER, Universitat de València, “Knowledge on Display: Aristocratic Sociability, Female Learning and Enlightenment Pedagogies in Eighteenth-Century Spain and Italy” 2. Tim ZUMHOF, University of Münster, and Nicole BALZER, University of Münster, “‘Abschweifungen der Natur’ – On the Double Naturalization of the Female Wunderkind” 3. F. Corey ROBERTS, Calvin University, “Dorothea Schlegel’s Florentin as a Commentary on Women’s Role in Society”


    72. Roundtable: Pedagogy in Practice Chair: Servanne WOODWARD, University of Western Ontario

    1. Diane FOURNY, University of Kansas, “Teaching the French Enlightenment in Global Context” 2. Karin A. WURST, Michigan State University, “The Challenges of the Advanced Literature Course: Increasing Student Motivation and Engagement” 15 3. Jack IVERSON, Whitman College, “Survival of the Survey Course? A Survey of North American Programs” 4. A. Renee GUTIÉRREZ, Longwood University, “A Mini-Workshop—Professional Development in a Pandemic—Survey Courses” 5. David EICK, Grand Valley State University, “Reacting to the Past in French (and Other Foreign Languages)”


    83. Women and the Institutions of Knowledge Chair: Julie Candler HAYES, University of Massachusetts Amherst

    1. Angela HUNTER, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, “‘The spirit of laws is not the spirit of justice’: Louise Dupin and Networks of Critique” 2. Giorgina Samira PAIELLA, University of California, Santa Barbara, “‘The Skill to Strike Out a New Path: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Early Modern Knowledge Networks, and DH Mapping of The Turkish Embassy Letters” 3. Catherine M. JAFFE, Texas State University, “Madrid’s Junta de Damas as an Institution of Knowledge” 4. Chiara CILLERAI, St. John’s University, “‘Good Stars how unequally some things are blended!’: Private/Public Spaces in the Writings of Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson


    96. Roundtable: Reflections on David Gies and Cynthia Wall, eds., The Eighteenth Centuries: Global Networks of Enlightenment Chair: Elizabeth Franklin LEWIS, University of Mary Washington

    1. Jeanne BRITTON, University of South Carolina, “Using Global Networks of Enlightenment: Giovanni Piranesi and the Digital Eighteenth Centuries” 2. Valentina TIKOFF, DePaul University, “Using Global Networks of Enlightenment: How Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Multiple Geographies, and Linguistic Perspectives Help Us Navigate and Teach the Age of Enlightenment” 3. Carol GUARNIERI, University of Virginia, “Creating a Digital Companion to Global Networks of Enlightenment: ‘The Digital Eighteenth Centuries’ on” 4. Cynthia WALL, University of Virginia, and David GIES, University of Virginia, “Editing Global Networks of Enlightenment”

    98. Roundtable: The World and Other Worlds: Imagining the Universe in the Eighteenth Century Chair: Arianne MARGOLIN, University of Maryland Global Campus

    1. Charlee Redman BEZILLA, University of Maryland, College Park, “The Many Worlds of Rétif’s Les Posthumes” 2. Matthew J. RIGILANO, Pennsylvania State University, Abington, “Another World of Spirits: Cavendish and Swedenborg” 3. Theodore E. D. BRAUN, University of Delaware, “What did Cyrano Suggest to Voltaire, and did Voltaire Follow his Lead?” 4. Ryan VU, Duke University, “Alterity and the Plurality of Worlds in Early Modern Speculative Fiction”

    107. Indigenous Alterities [New Lights Forum: Contemporary Perspectives on the Enlightenment] Chair: Jennifer VANDERHEYDEN, Marquette University

    1. Shelby JOHNSON, Florida Atlantic University, “Bone of my Bone: Samson Occom and Cosubstantial Kinship” 2. Judith STUCHINER, New Jersey City University, “Intermarriage, Indigeneity, and the Golden Rule” 3. Gabriela VILLANUEVA, National Autonomous University of Mexico, “Absent Subjects: Mexican Indigenous Histories in the Age of Reason” 4. Adam SCHOENE, University of New Hampshire, “Trauma, Resilience, and Indigenous Alterity”



    129. Roundtable: Rethinking the Archive in 18c Science Studies [Science Caucus] Chair: David ALFF, SUNY Buffalo

    1. Tobias MENELY, University of California, Davis, “Geomythology, Catastrophism, Criticism” 2. Shifra ARMON, University of Florida, “Curiosity on the Spanish Stage” 3. Rajani SUDAN, Southern Methodist University, “De-Colonizing the Archive: Substance, Submergence, Submission” 4. Mark K. FULK, SUNY Buffalo State, “Ballooning in the Archive”

    130. Roundtable: Hispanists Here to Help! Chair: Karen STOLLEY, Emory University

    1. Hazel GOLD, Emory University, “Spanish Utopian Literature and the European Enlightenment Framework” 2. Mariselle MELENDEZ, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Food Studies and the Global in the Teaching of Eighteenth-Century Latin America” 3. Catherine M. JAFFE, Texas State University, “Spanish Feminist Texts in Interdisciplinary Courses on the Eighteenth Century” 4. David SLADE, Berry College, “Eighteenth-Century Knowledge Production in the Hispanic World: Archives, Libraries, Botanical Gardens, Museums” 5. Elena DEANDA-CAMACHO, Washington College, “Spanish Bawdy Literature: Expanding the Art of Teaching Sex and Gender in the Enlightenment”

    133. Eighteenth-Century Italian Economies of Exchange [Italian Studies Caucus] Chair: Rachel WALSH, University of Denver

    1. Shane AGIN, Duquesne University, “‘The street chatter of philosophy’: The Verri Brothers and the Philosophical Impact of the Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe” 2. Adrienne WARD, University of Virginia, “Italian Women Writers and their Reading Networks” 3. Clorinda DONATO, California State University, Long Beach, “The Controversy over Vesicants as Medical Malpractice in Eighteenth-Century Italy” 4. Irene ZANINI-CORDI, Florida State University, “The Cultural Business of a Venetian Ambassador in Paris (1780-1784)”

    134. The Enlightened Mind: Education in the Long Eighteenth Century Chairs: Karissa BUSHMAN, Quinnipiac University, and Amanda STRASIK, Eastern Kentucky University

    1. Franny BROCK, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Madame de Genlis’ ‘New Method’ and Teaching Drawing to Children in Eighteenth-Century France” 2. Dorothy JOHNSON, University of Iowa, “Bodies of Knowledge? Teaching Anatomy to Artists in Enlightenment France” 3. Madeline SUTHERLAND-MEIER, University of Texas, Austin, “Raising and Educating Children in Eighteenth-Century Spain: Padre Sarmiento’s Discurso sobre el método que debia guardarse en la primera educación de la juventud” 4. Brigitte WELTMAN-ARON, University of Florida, “Exercising Body and Mind in Madame d’Epinay’s Conversations d’Emilie”


    156. Waste Studies in the Eighteenth Century Chair: Enid VALLE, Kalamazoo College, Michigan

    1. Pamela PHILLIPS, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, “Dead Space: Cemetery Policies in Eighteenth-Century Spain” 2. Sam KRIEG, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Malísimamente estoy: Prostitution, Enclosure, and Disease in Eighteenth-Century Lima” 3. Megan GARGIULO, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Marginalizing Spaces: Race, Class, and Disrepair in Recogimientos de mujeres in Colonial New Spain, 1700-1821”


    164. Music and Privilege [Society for Eighteenth-Century Music] Chair: Emily H. GREEN, George Mason University 34

    1. Annelies ANDRIES, Oxford University, “Composers at the Institut de France: The Privilege of Technical Music Knowledge” 2. Catherine MAYES, University of Utah, “No Room at the Inn: Gender and the Public Musical Sphere in Enlightenment Vienna” 3. Faith LANAM, University of California, Santa Cruz, “Dichotomies of Privilege: Lifting Up and Holding Down Women in New Spain through Music Education” 4. Adeline MUELLER, Mount Holyoke College, “‘To Distinguish Themselves in the Arts’: Racial Exceptionalism in the Reception of Elite Musicians of African Descent”

    No more IASECS on Yahoo Groups!

    Hola amigas y amigos! Our beloved IASECS yahoo group will be disappearing December 15th, and we will be migrating our communications to our webpage On that page, from the menu on the left-hand side, you will see an area that says “Membership.” There you can subscribe to the webpage by adding your name and email. When we have new posts or announcements you will get an email update. There is also an IASECS forum. This is a place where individual members can post announcements or pose questions. Make sure you check “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” if you want to receive replies from other members this way. Lastly, there is a link to our Facebook group “Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.”
    Nuestro querido grupo en yahoo desaparece el 15 de diciembre, y por lo tanto tendremos que migrar nuestras comunicaciones al sitio Allí, desde el menú a la izquierda, verás “Membership”  donde puedes entrar tu nombre y correo electrónico para subscribirte a las noticias del blog. También hay un foro donde puedes poner un anuncio o hacer una pregunta. Si quieres recibir noticia de respuestas al foro por correo electrónico, tienes que seleccionar “Notify my of follow-up replies”.  Por último, tenemos en el menú un enlace a nuestro grupo en Facebook “Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.” 

    IASECS at St. Louis

    Below please find highlighted the sessions related to IASECS. Please also note our business meeting on Friday at 6pm, and our dinner following at approximately 7:30pm.

    Dinner is at and we have arranged for a private room. It’s a $63 prix fixe. If you’d like to join us, please respond on the yahoo email list, or by emailing
