Reports from 2021 Business Meeting and Brainstorming for 2022 Meeting in Baltimore

Below please find the minutes and reports from our IASECS Business meeting, as well as notes from the Brainstorming Session at the 2021 ASECS Virtual Conference.

Don’t forget to pay your 2021 dues, if you haven’t already. You may pay through the Paypal link on the website, or by mailing a check to Betsy, address on the website.

Note that one item discussed during the Brainstorming Session was to have some virtual get-togethers to socialize share our research throughout the year. Be on the look-out for an invitation to participate in an organizational meeting regarding this in mid-May.


IASECS at St. Louis

Below please find highlighted the sessions related to IASECS. Please also note our business meeting on Friday at 6pm, and our dinner following at approximately 7:30pm.

Dinner is at and we have arranged for a private room. It’s a $63 prix fixe. If you’d like to join us, please respond on the yahoo email list, or by emailing


In Memorium: Pilar Sáenz, Founding Member of IASECS

Pilar González Sáenz passed away peacefully on October 6, 2018, at Brighton Gardens of Friendship Heights assisted living facility in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Born in 1927 in Madrid, Spain, she was raised and educated there, receiving a Licenciatura from the University of Madrid. In 1954, she moved to the U.S. to continue her studies, earning an M.A. at Bryn Mawr College and a Ph.D. at the University of Maryland, College Park with a focus on philology and Spanish literature. Dr. Saenz was active professionally and received a number of awards and grants, contributed to professional journals, was active in the Spanish community of Washington, DC, and taught at Case Western Reserve University and various institutions in the Washington, DC area. She was President of the Academic Association for the Quincentenary 1492-1992, organized under the auspices of the Spanish embassy to commemorate the 500-year presence of Spain on this continent. She retired from the Department of Romance Languages and Literature, George Washington University, in 1998 as Professor Emeritus. Dr. Saenz was preceded in death by her husband of 55 years, Albert W. Saenz, Ph.D., and her parents and siblings and is survived by a niece and nephew in Madrid.

Published in The Washington Post on Nov. 27, 2018

RSVP for IASECS Dinner in Orlando, March 23rd

Dear IASECS Colleagues,

I’m very much looking forward to seeing everyone at the IASECS business meeting on March 23rd at 6:00PM, in the Sago 3 Room at the Hilton conference center. After the meeting, we share dinner at Cuba Libre Restaurant and Rum Bar. I’ve copied most of the specifics on the meal below.

If you plan on attending the meal, please take a minute to sign up for the dinner here​. We need a head count soon, so please respond this week. If you can’t easily access the Google form because you don’t have an account, please email Renee Gutiérrez directly at; she can enter your information for you. Link doesn’t work? Use this URL:

Cuba Libre Restaurant

Cost for Dinner: $65.50 (includes a glass of wine)

Address: 9101 International Drive in Point Orlando

Transportation: We’ll share a short Uber or cab ride; the restaurant is 6 miles away from the conference hotel, about a 15 minute trip. We’re told it’s well worth the drive!

Menu: Appetizers, salad, a choice of Ropa Vieja , Arroz con Pollo, Salmon a la Plancha, or a vegetarian Chef’s Choice;  two choices for dessert.

A note on dessert. I would like to revive a previous IASECS tradition: when dessert is served, half of us will get up and switch tables, so we can get to know a broader range of scholars within our community.

Renee Gutiérez

IASECS at ASECS Minneapolis, March 29-April 1, 2017

We look forward to a stimulating ASECS conference in Minneapolis, MN, March 29-April 1, 2017.

Please plan to attend the IASECS Business Meeting will be held Friday, March 31, 6-7 PM in Greenway Ballroom A. We will elect next year’s officers and brainstorm session proposals for next year’s ASECS conference in Orlando, FL – March 22-25, 2018.

We hope everyone can attend the IASECS dinner that will be held Friday evening after the business meeting. Please let our current president Madeline Sutherland know if you plan to attend and if you have any dietary needs.

The Renewal of Membership and Dues form is available, which can be mailed to Cathy Jaffe or turned in at the conference. IASECS membership is on a calendar year basis.

There is still time for graduate or advanced undergraduate students to submit an essay for the Pilar Sáenz Annual Student Essay Prize. Essays are due February 15.

See you in Minneapolis!



SESSIONS I 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.

  1. “Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and Other Sins of the Flesh”

(Roundtable) Greenway Ballroom E

Chair: Margaret EWALT, Wake Forest University

  1. Corey GOERGEN, Emory University, “‘Honourable Scars’:

Rochester’s Syphilitic Authority”

  1. Dawn NAWROT, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “Dangerous

Occupations: The Feme Sole as Rape Accomplice in the Eighteenth-

Century Domestic Novel”

  1. Nichol WEIZENBECK, University of Denver, “Willed Away: Incest

and Inheritance in Mary Davys’s The Reform’d Coquet

  1. Mehl PENROSE, University of Maryland, “Refusing Carnal

Knowledge: Women Warriors, Gender Inversion, and Cross-Dressing in

Ramón de la Cruz’s La república de las mujeres

  1. Joseph D. ROCKELMAN, Hampden-Sydney College, “Incest as

Punishment in Ludwig Tieck’s ‘The Blond Eckbert”’

  1. James MULHOLLAND, North Carolina State University, “The

Dancing Boys of Mysore: Captivity, Coercion, and Sexual Knowledge

in Late-Eighteenth-Century India”

  1. Yvonne FUENTES, University of West Georgia, “Antonio Xavier

Pérez y López’s Rationale for ‘Loving’ a Sibling but not a Parent”

  1. “New Jews: Debating Modernity in the Long Eighteenth

Century” Greenway Ballroom G

Chair: Hazel GOLD, Emory University

  1. Sarah STEIN, Arkansas Tech University “Hebrew without Jews:

Sublime Hebrew as a Christian Inheritance in Eighteenth-Century


  1. Ann Luppi VON MEHREN, Drexel University, “Debating the

Jewish Naturalization Bill (1753) in the English Press: Samuel

Johnson Responds to the Brothers Warton”

  1. Zoe BEENSTOCK, University of Haifa, “Back to Jerusalem:

Conjectural History and the Enlightenment Holy Land”

  1. Waltraud MAIERHOFER, University of Iowa “The Representation

of the Jew in the Satirical Picture Story of ‘Strunk the Upstart’”


SESSIONS II 9:45 – 11:15 a.m.

  1. “Women of Power and the Power of Women: Rethinking

Female Agency in Honor of Maria Theresa” – I

Nicollet D-2

Chair: Rita KRUEGER, Temple University

  1. Kate MULRY, California State University, Bakersfield, “Mary

Rich’s ‘Strong Cryes for Mercy’: Signing, Groaning, and Fasting

on Behalf of the Nation”

  1. Kelsey RUBIN-DETLEV, Queen’s College, University of Oxford,

“The Epistolary Strategies of Catherine the Great and Maria


  1. Mandy PAIGE-LOVINGOOD, University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill, “Marie-Antoinette: Une Identité Melange”

  1. Yolopattli HERNÁNDEZ-TORRES, Loyola University Maryland,

“Women and Productivity in Late Colonial Mexico”

  1. Amanda STRASIK, Eastern Kentucky University,

“Revolutionizing Royal Motherhood: Marie-Antoinette and her


  1. “Disease, Disability, and Medicine in the Ibero-American

World” Greenway Ballroom H

Chair: Madeline SUTHERLAND-MEIER, The University of Texas at


  1. Stan BOOTH, University of Winchester, “The Language of

Vilification” 11

  1. Karissa BUSHMAN, University of Alabama in Huntsville, “Illness

and Medicine in Goya’s Works”

  1. Cindy ERMUS, University of Lethbridge, “The Plague of

Provence and Bourbon Reform in the Eighteenth Century”

  1. Silvia ROCHA, Washington University in St. Louis, “Theorhetoric

of Disease: Appealing to Saints from the Head to the Toe in

Colonial Mexico”

  1. “The Library as Institution in the Long Eighteenth-Century

Atlantic World” (The Bibliographical Society of America and the

Community Libraries Network) Greenway Ballroom J

Chair: Rob KOEHLER, New York University

  1. Gabriella ANGELONI, University of South Carolina, “‘Carefully and

Deliberately’: Personal Libraries and the Cultivation of Identity in

Eighteenth Century South Carolina”

  1. Kevin SEDEÑO-GUILLÉN, University of Kentucky, “From Baroque

Library to Enlightened Library: The Cuban Mestizo Manuel del

Socorro Rodriguez and the Royal Public Library of Santafe de Bogota”

  1. Marta KVANDE, Texas Tech University, “Dedications and Prefaces

16601700: Institutions of Print and Manuscript Cultures in Fiction”

  1. Omar MIRANDA, New York University, “Francisco de Miranda’s

Library of Exile and Revolution on Grafton Street


SESSIONS III 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

  1. “Empire and the Antique in Art and Design” Greenway Ballroom E

Chairs: Jocelyn ANDERSON, Independent Scholar AND

Holly SHAFFER, Dartmouth College

  1. J. Cabelle AHN, Harvard University, “Arcadia ‘sous la latitude des

Iroquois:’ Representing Indigenous Canadians in the Salon”

  1. Susan DEANS-SMITH, The University of Texas at Austin, “‘This

Mexican Marvel:’ Manuel Tolsá’s Bronze Equestrian Statue of Charles

IV All’Antica”

  1. Amelia RAUSER, Franklin & Marshall College, “Neoclassical Dress

and Imperial Cotton”

  1. “Illustrating the Ilustración/Iluminismo: Visual Culture and

Transnational Enlightenment in Iberia and Ibero-America”

Greenway Ballroom I

Chair: Nicholas WOLTERS, Wake Forest University

  1. Tijana ZAKULA, University of Utrecht, “Gerard de Lairesse in

Portuguese: from Lisbon to Rio”

  1. Gabrielle MILLER, Baylor University, “Illustrating the Eighteenth-

Century Spanish Press: The Grabados of Espíritu de los mejores diarios

que se publican en Europa (17871791)”

  1. Verónica MUÑOZ-NÁJAR, University of California, Berkeley, “Art

and Civility: Moxos and the Implementation of the Bourbon Reforms”

  1. Catherine JAFFE, Texas State University, “A Woman’s Enlightenment

Trajectory: Portraits of María Lorenza de los Ríos and her Two


SESSIONS IV 2:30 – 4 P.M.

  1. “The Birds and the Bees (and Other Beasts) : Thinking and

Writings about the Human-Animal Connection” – II

Chair: Mary E. ALLEN, University of Virginia Greenway Ballroom D

  1. Adela RAMOS, Pacific Lutheran University, “‘This Admirable

Machine’: Mousers and Mousetraps in William Gutherie’s The Life

and Adventures of a Cat

  1. Peter DEGABRIELE, Mississippi State University, “An (Un)

Limited War Against Brutes: Pufendorf, Animals, and the Natural

Law of War”

  1. Pamela PHILLIPS, University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, “Cats
  2. Mice: The Feline Debate in Eighteenth-Century Spain”


SESSIONS V 4:15 – 5:45 P.M.

  1. “Humor in Spain and its Colonies during the Enlightenment”

Chair: Elena DEANDA, Washington College Nicollet D-1

  1. Ana María Díaz BURGOS, Oberlin College, “‘Honest Entertainment:’

Humor, Satire and the Tertulia Eutropélica (17921794)”

  1. Sean GULLICKSON, University of Kansas, “Looking in from the

Outside: Satire, National Identity and the Other in José Cadalso’s

Cartas marruecas

  1. Álvaro ALCÁNTARA, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios

Superiores en Antropología Social, México, “La burla y denuncia de un

diablo observador: Prácticas sociales y cultura festiva en el puerto de

Veracruz en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII” 26


FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017

SESSIONS VI 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.

  1. “Eighteenth-Century Habits: Nuns in Fact and Fiction, in the

Cloister and Beyond” (Roundtable) Greenway Ballroom A

Chair: Tonya MOUTRAY, Russell Sage College

  1. Ana RUEDA, University of Kentucky, “Convents in Flames: Sexual

Encounters and the Ruse of Letters in Spanish Romantic Novels”

  1. Sabrina Norlander ELIASSON, Stockholm University, “‘Saggia

Donzella, onor del Tebro e della nostra etade’: Becoming an Elite Nun

in Eighteenth-Century Rome”

  1. Preea LEELAH, Oberlin College, “Nuns in French Enlightenment and

Counter-Enlightenment Literature: Fact as Fiction/Fiction as Fact?”

  1. Jennifer VANDERHEYDEN, Marquette University “Illegitimate

Reality Makes for Legitimate Fiction: The Convenience of Convents”

  1. Frieda KOENINGER, Sam Houston State University, “The Letters of

María Ignacia de Aslor: A Nun’s Determination Confronts Male


  1. Barbara ABRAMS, Suffolk University, “Obscure But Not Hidden: The

‘lettres de cachet’ (hidden letters) and Diderot’s La Religieuse

  1. “The Postsecular Enlightenment” Greenway Ballroom E

Chair: David ALVAREZ, DePauw University

  1. Jeffrey GALBRAITH, Wheaton College, “Defoe’s Secular Faith: A

Postcritical Reading of The Shortest Way with Dissenters”

  1. Rachael Givens JOHNSON, University of Virginia, “Forging

‘Pure’ Religion: Collisions between Baroque and Enlightenment

Devotional Imaginaries in Eighteenth-century Iberian Catholicism”

  1. Roger MAIOLI, University of Florida, “David Hume and the Specter

of Relativism”

  1. Juliette PAUL, Christian Brothers University, “Aphra Behn and the

West Indian Church”


SESSIONS VII 9:45 – 11:15 a.m.

  1. “Science Fiction” – I Greenway Ballroom B

Chair: Jeff LOVELAND, University of Cincinnati

  1. Crystal MATEY, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, “Science

Fiction without Science? Speculation and the Problem of Terminology in

Understanding Eighteenth-Century Science and Literature About


  1. Theodore E. D. BRAUN, University of Delaware, “Cyrano de Bergerac,

Precursor of Swift and Voltaire”

  1. Shifra ARMON, University of Florida, “Halfway There: Fictions of

Science in Eighteenth-Century Spain”


SESSIONS VIII 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

  1. “Rococo Queens” Nicollet A/B

Chair: Melissa HYDE, University of Florida

  1. Tara ZANARDI, Hunter College, City University of New York, “Surface

Play and Rococo Ambition: Isabel de Farnesio’s Lacquered Bedroom

  1. Christina LINDEMAN, University of South Alabama, “Composing the

Rococo: Representations of Musical Princesses in Eighteenth-Century


  1. Amy FREUND, Southern Methodist University, “Killer Queens: Royal

Women and Hunting Guns in Rococo Europe”

  1. Susan WAGER, University of New Hampshire, “Van Loo, Pompadour,

Rococo: A Material Media Event”


SESSIONS IX 4:30- 6 p.m.

  1. “Ilustrados y Afrancesados: A Session in Honor of Professor

Theodore E. D. Braun” Greenway Ballroom A

(Ibero-American Society on Eighteenth-Century Studies (IASECS)

Chair: Elizabeth Franklin LEWIS, University of Mary Washington

  1. Gloria EIVE, San Leandro, California, “Francisco Barbieri y Asenjo’s

zarzuela Jugar con Fuego (1851) and its Consequences for Spanish

Popular Theatre”

  1. Elena DEANDA, Washington College, “French Porn/Spanish Porn:

Mimesis and Difference”

  1. Madeline SUTHERLAND-MEIER, The University of Texas at Austin,

Los franceses generosos: An Unfinished Comedia by Antonio

Valladares de Sotomayor”

  1. Theodore E. D. BRAUN, University of Delaware, “An Aspect of the

Spanish Enlightenment: Jorge Juan y Santacilia and Antonio de Ulloa”


  1. “A Case for the Italian Enlightenment” (Roundtable)

(Italian Studies Caucus) Nicollet D-3

Chair: Francesca SAVOIA, University of Pittsburgh

  1. Cecilia MILLER, Wesleyan University, “On the Italian Enlightenment”
  2. Clorinda DONATO, California State University, “The (Unknown)

European Networks of the Italian Enlightenment”

  1. Irene ZANINI-CORDI, Florida State University, “Enlightened Salons

as Faulty Social Media”

  1. Paolo PALMIERI, University of Pittsburgh, “Muratori and Vico,

Champions of Galileo Against Descartes”

  1. Rebecca MESSBARGER, Washington University, “Italy and the

Making of a Post-Secular Enlightenment”

  1. Adrienne WARD, University of Virginia, “The Italian Theatre”
  2. Shane AGIN, Duquesne University, “The Varied Fortunes of the

Milanese Enlightenment”

  1. Sabrina FERRI, University of Notre Dame, “Defining the Italian

Eighteenth Century: Hegemony and Anachronism”


6 -7 p.m.

Friday, MARCH 31, 2017

Business Meeting

Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

Greenway Ballroom A




SESSIONS X 8:00 -9:30 a.m.

  1. “Cities and Disasters in the Eighteenth Century” Nicollet D-2

Chair: Cindy ERMUS, University of Lethbridge

  1. Yaron AYALON, Ball State University, “Confronting Natural Disasters

in Ottoman Cities”

  1. Quinn DAUER, Indiana University Southeast, “Catastrophes and

Urban Landscapes: State and Societal Responses to Natural Disasters in

Eighteenth-Century Chile”

  1. Andreas K.E. MUELLER, University of Worcester, “Collective Trauma

and the Mimetics of Pain: Remembering London in Defoe’s A Journal

of the Plague Year

  1. Kristin TREMPER, Lehigh University, ‘“Tempest of Mortality:’ Social

and Political Responses to Mass Casualties in Early Urban America”


  1. “Ecology and Natural Disasters in Eighteenth-Century Spanish

America” Greenway Ballroom A

Chair: Mariselle MELÉNDEZ, University of Illinois

  1. Karen STOLLEY, Emory University, “‘The Earth Shook:’ Natural

Disasters and Enlightened Lessons in Rafael de Landívar’s Rusticatio

Mexicana (1782)”

  1. Rocío CORTÉS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, “Hunger,

Epidemics and Survival in Colonial Mexico”

  1. Santa ARIAS, University of Kansas, “On Public Health, Population and

the Environment: Jose Hipólito Unanue’s Revolutionary Geography”

Respondent: David F. SLADE, Berry College.


SESSIONS XI 9:45 -11:15 a.m.

  1. “The Enlightenment since Besterman: Exploring 60 Years of

Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century” (Roundtable) Greenway Ballroom I

Chair: Melissa HYDE, University of Florida

  1. Nicholas CRONK, Voltaire Foundation/ University of Oxford,

“Gustave Lanson and Theodore Besterman, Studies on Voltaire and the

Eighteenth Century

  1. Karen STOLLEY, Emory University, “Françoise de Graffigny, ‘Lettres

d’une péruvienne’ as a Source for Eighteenth-Century Latin American


  1. Gregory BROWN, University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Voltaire

Foundation/ Oxford, “Frank Kafker, ‘The Encyclopedistes,’ and the

Social History of the Enlightenment”

  1. Kelsey RUBIN-DETLEV, University of Oxford, “Christiane Mervaud,

‘Voltaire et Frédéric II’ as a Turning Point in Epistolary Studies”

  1. Geoffrey TURNOVSKY, University of Washington, “JoAnn

McEachern, ‘Bibliography of the Writings of J-J Rousseau’ as a Work

of Scholarship”


SESSIONS XII 2 -3:30 p.m.


SESSIONS XIII 3:45 -5:15 p.m.

  1. “Disciplined Mobility and Carceral Spaces in the Eighteenth-

Century Atlantic World” Nicollet D-3

Chair: Jonathan NASH, College of Saint Benedict & Saint John’s University

  1. Michael BRADLEY, Eastern Illinois University, “Incarcerated,

Transported, and Bound: Deference, Resistance, and Assimilation,

Constructing Community among Transported Convicts from London to

the Chesapeake, 17391776”

  1. Eva M. MEHL, University of North Carolina Wilmington, “Trans-

Oceanic Connections in a Polycentric Monarchy: Convict

Transportation and Military Recruitment in the Spanish Empire, 1765


  1. Tristan J. SCHWEIGER, University of Chicago, “‘Among a Parcel of

Wretches’: Roderick Random and the Prison of Empire”

  1. Jeffrey A. MULLINS, St. Cloud State University, ‘“Liberia is a Prison

and Charnel House’: Debating African Colonization as Carceral

Colonies or Provinces of Freedom, 17801840”


  1. “The Delusional Self or the Artful Self” Greenway Ballroom F

Chair: Enid VALLE, Kalamazoo College

  1. Kathleen FUEGER, Independent Scholar, “Staging the Self: Play,

Performance, and Delusion in the Comedies of Moratín”

  1. Katherine MULLINS, Vanderbilt University, “Sensory Signs:

Perception, Passion, and Identity in Eliza Haywood’s Fantomina

  1. Elizabeth Franklin LEWIS, University of Mary Washington, “An Old

Woman’s Guide to Love: María Gertrudis Hore’s Amor caduco

  1. Amber LUDWIG, Independent Scholar, “Anne Damer, Identity, and

the Practice of Collecting”

  1. Susan SPENCER, University of Central Oklahoma, “Saikaku Ihara’s

Amorous Woman and the Cash Nexus in Genroku-era Osaka”

Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Spring 2015 Newsletter

President’s message, Hazel Gold (Emory University)

This year’s ASECS meeting, held in Los Angeles, CA, marked another successful encounter among scholars and teachers of the long eighteenth century. IASECS members had the opportunity to share their work on panels dedicated exclusively to the history and culture of the Ibero-American eighteenth century as well as sessions that were transnational in scope. The ensuing dialogues that emerged as colleagues discussed their current research were intellectually exciting and reinforced the sense of scholarly community that IASECS has been able to foster.

This year there were somewhat fewer sessions that were officially sponsored by IASECS or organized by our members, and the number of members attending the conference was also somewhat smaller. Such annual fluctuations are not uncommon, but perhaps for next year’s meeting in Pittsburgh, PA we will have a stronger representation of our association. The date for submission of session proposals for the 2016 meeting is June 1, 2015, and I would encourage everyone to consider either proposing a session or responding to the calls for papers (abstracts are usually due by September 15). A number of ideas for sessions were discussed at the business meeting in LA, so look for the CFPs that will be posted on the ASECS website and included in Vickie Cutting’s regular weekly e-mails.

Of course, many IASECS members are also regular participants in the annual MLA convention. The MLA recently approved an overhaul of its structure of divisions and discussion groups—now called forums— which will be rolled out with the 2016 meeting in Austin, TX. These forums will be reviewed every five years; new additional forums may be proposed starting with the 2018 convention. There will also be a new kind of session—the three-year seminar—that is focused on specialized topics that demand sustained attention beyond what is offered by the current special session format. The three-year seminar will be introduced in the 2018 convention. Forums of particular interest to IASECS members include:

• 18th-Century (Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies)

• Romantic and 19th-Century (Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies)

• Atlantic (Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies)

• Hemispheric American (Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies)

• Colonial Latin American (Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

• 18th- and 19th-Century Spanish and Iberian (Languages, Literatures, and Cultures)

There are two points of note that I would like to acknowledge, one looking to the future and the other to the past of our society. Thanks to David Gies’s hard work and foresight, the journal Dieciocho has transitioned to an exclusively electronic format ( As an open-access journal that is available to everyone, Dieciocho is assured of continuing in its role as one of the principal venues for the dissemination and exchange of scholarship dealing with the Ibero-American eighteenth century. And, thanks to Karen Stolley’s efforts, IASECS members officially recognized the the society’s founding mothers, Pilar Sáenz and María Salgado, through a generous donation made to the ASECS Shirley Bill Endowed Fund.

Just one more expression of thanks, to Betsy Lewis, who arranged our group dinner in Los Angeles at Ledlow’s: the food was terrific and the atmosphere was especially convivial. ¡Gracias, Betsy! I’m already looking forward to next year’s conference, and to seeing everyone. If you know of graduate students or fellow colleagues whose research is oriented to the Ibero-American long eighteenth century but are not yet members of IASECS, please do encourage them to contact Cathy Jaffe and join this wonderful scholarly community.

Recap of IASECS Business Meeting
Los Angeles, CA, March 20, 2015

2015 Officers:
President: Hazel Gold, Emory University-
Vice President: Yvonne Fuentes, University of West Georgia –
Executive Secretary/Treasurer: Cathy Jaffe, Texas State University— (3 years)
Member-at-Large: (3 years) Mehl Penrose, University of Maryland –
Member at-Large: (2 years): Madeline Sutherland-Meier, Univeresity of Texas at Austin—
Member-at-Large:(1 year): David Slade, Berry College—
Immediate past President: Kathleen Fueger:
President two years ago: Betsy Lewis:
Pilar G. Sáenz Student Essay Prize & María Salgado Student Travel Grants: Enid Valle, (Chair of Committee) Kalamazoo College –

Members in attendance 2015
Clorinda Donato
Yvonne Fuentes
Renee Gutiérrez Madeline Sutherland-Meier
Peggy Bonds Mark Malin
Elena Deana Gloria Eive
Karen Stolley Cathy Jaffe
Betsy Lewis Ted Braun
Enid Valle Hazel Gold

Hazel Gold welcomed the members of IASECS. She announced that IASECS members generously contributed to endow the Shirley Bill Endowed Fund in recognition of our great teachers Pilar Sáenz and María Salgado.

Regarding this endowment, Karen Stolley wrote:

Pilar, now retired from George Washington University, and María, now retired from the University of North Carolina, exemplify everything that the Shirley Bill Endowed Fund represents—excellence in scholarship, teaching, mentoring and leadership in the growing community of scholars of the Ibero-American eighteenth century.

Hazel noted that the $40 remaining from the donations will be donated to the IASECS travel funds. Thanks to Karen Stolley for coordinating this effort.

2. IASECS FINANCIAL REPORT 2014 (submitted by Cathy Jaffe, Secretary/Treasurer)
Balance January 2014 $1,952.09
Dues and donations collected:
(19 members paying dues $280
donations $740) +1020.00
payment out: student travel award ($300),
essay prize + Dieciocho subscription ($290),
IASECS Williamsburg concert payment ($1,500): -2,090.00
Balance December 2014 $882.09

Enid Valle reported that there were no applicants for the María Salgado Travel Grant.

The Pilar Sáenz Student Essay was awarded to María Virginia Acuña (Universityof Toronto) for her essay entitled “Ay, infelice de mi”: Love, Pain and Passion in the Zarzuela Apolo y Dafne (c. 1700).”

There was discussion regarding offering to pay for conference registration for the winner of the student essay award.

We now have THREE prizes/grants. Please encourage your students and your colleagues’ students to apply for the student essay prize.

1. Pilar G. Sáenz Student Essay Prize ($250.00 + IASECS 1-year membership)
2. María Salgado Student Travel Grants (up to $400);
3. ASECS Registration Fee Grant (two $120.00 awards). Funds for the travel and registration grants are disbursed AFTER reading a paper at the ASECS meeting and submitting the receipts.

Betsy Lewis offered to set up a basic IASECS webpage and Facebook page. We were informed that the ASECS webpage will shortly be updated and revamped. It will offer a place for affiliate societies to link their own pages. Cathy Jaffe will produce a basic newsletter to send through the list serve and to post on the webpage. The new IASECS webpage is:

5. IASECS SESSIONS AND OTHER PANELS FOR THE ASECS Conference in Pittsburgh, March 31-April 3, 2016.
Panel proposals are due to ASECS by June 1. Suggested titles/themes for panels and those who will prepare abstracts are as follows:

  1. Stories from the Archives (roundtable)(Yvonne Fuentes) ) [official IASECS session]
  2. Labor, Mining, Machines, Industry (Hazel Gold)
  3. Publishing Spanish Language Books: Elsewhere (Enid Valle) [official IASECS session]
  4. Comedias sueltas and Popular Culture (Madeline Sutherland-Meier)
  5. Eighteenth-Century Feminisms (roundtable) (Cathy Jaffe and Betsy Lewis)
  6. Unfinished Enlightenment Projects (Karen Stolley)

Elections for the 2015-2106 year were held. We were reminded that our bylaws stipulate that members must be present at the convention to be elected. Our new officers for next year will be:
Vice President, Madeline Sutherland-Meier, The University of Texas at Austin Member at-Large: (1 year): Renee Gutiérrez, Longwood University (to replace Madeline Sutherland-Meier)
Member-at-large: (3 yrs): Clorinda Donato


  • Dieciocho is now published digitally and is free.
  •  The XIX Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (AIH) 2016 conference will be in Münster, Germany, 11-17 July, 2016. David Gies, editor of Dieciocho, is currently president.
  • The International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) will hold the 14th International Congress for Eighteenth-Century Studies July 26-31, 2015, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Please vote in the elections for officers of ISECS.
  • Shrinking membership was a concern discussed at the ASECS business meeting and at theaffiliate societies meeting.
  • IASECS members voted to raise regular dues to $20. The IASECS Constitution states:

The society shall collect annual dues for membership for a calendar year, the amount of the dues to be determined at each annual meeting. Notices of dues will be mailed by the Executive Secretary in November or December of each year.

A message will be sent towards the end of 2015 informing members of the new dues structure.

  • Clorinda Donato reminded us of the MLA Call for proposals,Teaching Representations ofthe French Revolution.
    Special topic: essays sought on Ibero-American Echoes. Deadline June 1, 2015.

We seek contributions from experts in Ibero-American fields (Spanish or Latin American) around the theme of The Revolution and Global Reverberations: The Impact of Emigration and Radicalism. Abstracts and CVs should be sent to the volume editors by 1 June 2015. Please send e-mail submissions to Professor Julia Douthwaite (, Professor Catriona Seth (, and Professor Antoinette Sol ( with the subject line “Approaches to Teaching the Fr Rev.” Surface-mail submissions can be sent to Professor Douthwaite at the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556.

  • Clorinda Donato reminded us that the journal Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture isinterested in receiving articles from areas other than British Studies. One of the SECC editors, Eve T. Bannet (University of Oklahoma) especially asked us to remind IASECS members to submit articles based on papers presented at ASECS or any affiliate society conference this year.

Guidelines for Submission: conference papers presented at regional and national meetings of ASECS and its affiliate societies between JULY 1, 2013 and JUNE 30, 2015 are eligible.
The deadline for submission is August 18, 2015.
Electronic submission is preferred:

Message from SECC Editor Eve Bannet:
*NEW* for SECC, vol 46 (2016): In addition to our usual practice of publishing individual papers, Call for Papers we invite panel chairs and/or participants to submit panels of 3- 4 papers (in the case of double or triple sessions on the same topic, these can be selected from different sessions). The papers should be revised into 5000-6000 word essays, and prefaced by a short introduction, situating the topic in the profession. We think that publishing at least one panel will help SECC to highlight new directions in 18C studies and give the journal some of the excitement of our conferences. We encourage those interested to send us a proposal ( and short abstracts of the suggested papers in advance of asking participants to revise papers– but please ensure that they are willing to revise them first.

To renew your membership or if you are interested in becoming a member of IASECS click here for the form

The Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (IASECS)

PRIZES AND GRANTS: For more information about one of our three prizes and grants, click here.


Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture Volume 46
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture is an interdisciplinary journal published annually for the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) by the Johns Hopkins University Press. SECC publishes revised versions of papers read at national and regional conferences of ASECS and its affiliates (including the Society of Early Americanists, Early Caribbean Society, SHARP, etc.).

For the 2015-16 volume (46) the editors encourage theoretically informed, academically rigorous essays that reflect new directions for research in the field of eighteenth-century culture, including literature, history, art history, theater and performance studies, music, ethnic studies, women’s and gender studies, etc. Essays from previously under-represented disciplines are particularly welcome. Now digitized as part of Project Muse, SECC is included in the membership fees of Sponsors and Patrons of the Society, and is offered to all members at discount.

Guidelines for Submission: conference papers presented at regional and national meetings of ASECS and its affiliate societies between JULY 1, 2013 and JUNE 30, 2015 are eligible. Papers should be substantially revised from their conference version and use the Chicago Manual of Style for annotation. Submissions are normally written in English but may include other commonly-used modern European languages, and typically average 20 to 25 double-spaced pages in length. Contributions will be judged according to the highest standards of scholarship by blind review. Authors are thus asked to avoid identifying themselves throughout (any reference to one’s own scholarship should be made in the third person). The editors of SECC cannot consider papers already submitted to other journals.

The deadline for submission is August 18, 2015.

Electronic submission is preferred:

Hard copies can be sent to:
Eve Tavor Bannet
George Lynn Cross Professor
English & Women’s and Gender Studies
Dept. of English
University of Oklahoma
260 Van Vleet Oval, Rm 113

Norman, OK 73019-9240