The Call for Papers for the upcoming meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies in St Louis, March 9-11, 2023, is out:
As you consider your paper proposals, we have listed below all the sessions that involve our Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, either by topic, or organizer. Please note that session 53 is our official IASECS session.
ASECS is centralizing how proposals are made this year. There will be a virtual “How-To” session this Friday, September 2 at 11am EST. Paper proposals are due Monday, October 3rd. Please see the above link for more information and links.
IASECS involved sessions in ASECS St. Louis 2023 Call for Papers
Please note that the proposal process is different this year.
13. “Bodies in Motion” in the Eighteenth-Century, Mariselle Meléndez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
18. Changing Course: Riverways in the Eighteenth Century, Kathleen Fueger, Independent Scholar,
53. Indigeneity across Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English Empires: Resistance, Negotiation and Collaboration [IASECS Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies] Karen Stolley (Emory University) and Elena Deanda-Camacho (Washington College), ,
54. Indigenous, Black, Asian and Mixed-Race Architects and Builders in the Eighteenth-Century Americas, Luis Gordo Peláez, California State University, Fresno, ; Juan Luis Burke, University of Maryland,
85. Race and Identity in Afro-Iberian-Latin American Literary and Visual Texts during the Eighteenth Century, Oscar Ruiz Hernandez, University of Massachusetts Lowell,
104. What’s Love Got to Do with It? Marriage and Money in the Eighteenth Century, Renee Gutiérrez, Longwood University,