See you in St. Louis!!

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in St. Louis in a couple of weeks. Here are some details about our IASECS involved panels and activities during the conference. See the conference program for more details and room numbers.

IASECS Business Meeting

On Friday, March 10, following our IASECS sponsored session 4:30-6pm. (see below), we will hold our annual business meeting. Please note also that there is an Affiliates Society Reception at 6pm. We’ve been invited to get a drink and some food before our meeting. Still waiting on a room assignment for the meeting, and will update this post as soon as we know. We will do our best to get through our agenda in 45 minutes.


  • Reports (president, secretary/treasurer/awards and grants)
  • Election of Officers
  • Proposed change to the IASECS Constitution to allow for virtual meetings. See original language and proposed changes here.
  • Brief discussion of 2024 panels for Toronto and recruitment
  • Proposal to hold “Virtual Retreat” April 24 or 25, 6-7:30pm EST to finalize session panels, discuss recruitment

To be followed by dinner at Yemanja Brasil Restaurant, 2900 Missouri Ave, St. Louis, MO 63118. Price per person $51 plus tip. See menu below.


2024 IASECS-Member involved sessions in the ASECS Conference Program

Thursday, March 9:


Session 7. What’s Love Got to Do with It? I – Marriage and Money in the Eighteenth Century . Chair: Renee GUTIÉRREZ (Valentina Tikoff)


Session 39. Bodies in Motion in the Eighteenth Century
: Mariselle MELÉNDEZ (Elena Deanda)

4:30 pm

Session 60. Indigenous, Black, Asian and Mixed-Race Architects and Builders in the Eighteenth-century Americas
: Luis Gordo PELÁEZ, California State University, Fresno, and Juan Luis BURKE, University of Maryland

Session 69. Christianity, Religion, and Community-Building
: Kelly KAELIN (Luis Ramos)

Friday March 10


Session 76. Roundtable: Epistolarity; Or, The Lost Art of Letter-Writing
: Catherine JAFFE


Session 87. Race and Identity in Afro-Iberian-Latin American Literary and Visual Texts during the Eighteenth Century
: Oscar Ruiz HERNANDEZ

Session 89. Changing Course: Riverways in the Eighteenth Century
Chair: Kathleen FUEGER


Session 115. Ecologies and the Sublime [Science Studies Caucus]
: Thomas BEACHDEL (Elizabeth Lewis)

Session 125. Indigeneity across Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English Empires: Resistance, Negotiation and Collaboration. IASECS Official Session

Chair: Elena DEANDA-CAMACHO, Washington College
Respondent: Karen STOLLEY, Emory University

Saturday March 11


Session 131. Building the 18th Century: Histories of Physical Form
: Janet R. WHITE, UNLV School of Architecture (Luis GORDO PELÁEZ)


Session 149. Roundtable: Rethinking Eighteenth-century Italian Culture and Its Transnational Connections: An NEH Planning Grant Project
Chair: Clorinda DONATO, California State University, Long Beach

ASECS in St. Louis, IASECS and ASECS Dues, Join an ASECS Committee, and some sad news…

Hi everyone. We’re looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis March 9-11, 2023. Our annual IASECS business meeting will be on Friday, March 10, followed by dinner. Stay tuned for info about the dinner.

Whether you come to St. Louis or not, please remember to pay your IASECS and ASECS Dues. To pay the IASECS dues, just hit the “Donate” button on the left hand menu. That will take you to a paypal site where you can pay your $20 dues, and add a donation if you wish. We suggest at least $1 to cover the transaction fee.

Please see below a message from Cathy Jaffe, who is on the ASECS Executive Board about the St. Louis conference, ASECS dues, and volunteering for an ASECS committee:

Dear IASECS colleagues,

I hope everyone’s semester or term is off to a good start.

Our ASECS conference in St. Louis is approaching and it is very important that everyone pay their ASECS dues and register. Make your reservation at the conference hotel, because ASECS will lose money if we don’t meet our block of rooms.

ASECS depends on our membership dues! Even if you’re not able to attend the conference, you need to stay current with ASECS dues to continue to have access to ECCO, receive news and other programming, apply for awards, and vote in elections.

Join, renew, or check your membership status here:

How can YOU make a difference to our field? ASECS really wants to diversify committee membership. The Steering Committee has asked me to reach out especially to our wonderful IASECS members so that our field and interests are represented on these important committees.

If you would be willing to volunteer for a committee, you can sign up here:

Looking forward to seeing everyone in St. Louis in March!

Cathy Jaffe
ASECS Executive Board, 2020-2023.

Theodore E.D. (Ted) Braun 1933-2022

We were saddened to learn recently of the death of IASECS founder and cheerleader, Ted Braun, in December 2022.

Here is a link to a nice piece about Ted, his life, and career from the Voltaire Foundation:

Meeting of the IASECS Executive Board, and ad hoc Committee to revise the IASECS Constitution

October 12, 2022 4-5pm, via Zoom

In attendance: Elena Deanda, Luis Ramos, Mehl Penrose, Hazel Gold, Karen Stolley, Enid Valle, Betsy Lewis

This meeting of members of the IASECS Executive Board plus volunteers appointed at the Business Meeting in Baltimore met virtually via Zoom to discuss amendments to the IASECS Constitution to allow for virtual business meetings in the future.
Elena Deanda (IASECS President) circulated a google doc copy of the current constitution, with suggested wording for prior comment. The members in attendance at the Zoom meeting went through the suggested changes and comments on the document, which we will present at the next IASECS Business meeting in St. Louis. If passed by the membership present in St. Louis, these changes will allow for conducting business and elections in person or virtually in the future. Elena circulated recordings of the meeting and the google doc again to members who were not able to attend the virtual meeting.

The group also discussed ways to encourage more graduate student and young scholar participation in IASECS, as well as more collaboration with international colleagues. Ideas included increasing the number or size of travel grants, hosting virtual presentations (possibly jointly with international colleagues), and extending a travel award to an international scholar.

The group agreed to meet again in mid-November and mid-January, and to send out a formal motion to amend the constitution to the membership in February, ahead of our in-person business meeting March 10, 2023 in St. Louis, when we will vote on the changes.

New issue of Dieciocho, ASECS deadline for St Louis proposals extended to October 24

The latest issue (45.2) of Dieciocho Hispanic Enlightenment is available. Here is the direct link: Articles include:

Jaffe, Catherine M. and Elisa Martín-Valdepeñas Yagüe. “Enlightenment Utility and Feminine Community: The Junta de Damas de Honor y Mérito of the Real Sociedad Económica Matritense.” 191-214.

Ruiz Hernández, Óscar. “Aberraciones ilustradas: Economía, educación moral y discapacidad en el teatro español de finales del dieciocho.” 215-242.

Cebrián, José. “Texto crítico de La toma de Granada de Viera y Clavijo.” 243-284.

Salas Salgado, Francisco. “La presencia del mito clásico en El beso de Abibina de Graciliano Afonso Naranjo.” 285-306.

Carrillo-Marquina, María. “Cajitas de rapé: Miniature Social Landscapes and Imperial Dreaming.” 307-322

Given the impact of Hurricane Ian on colleagues’ lives on the East Coast, the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies has decided to extend the deadline for submissions for the spring conference in St. Louis to Monday, Oct. 24, 2022 11:59pm ET.

Reminders: ASECS Proposals Due October 3rd

See message below from the Executive Director of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies:

26 Sept. 2022

Dear colleagues,

I know it’s a busy time of year, and it’s easy to forget a deadline, so let me remind you: the deadline for submissions to #ASECS2023 is just a week away: Monday, Oct. 3, 2022.

  • If you have already submitted an abstract, thank you so much! Chairs will be reviewing submissions through the deadline, and you’ve helped them get started on that process.
  • If you haven’t submitted an abstract yet, chairs are looking forward to seeing your abstracts and will consider all submissions through the deadline!

A couple reminders:

  • Our conference is March 9-11, 2023, and will take place at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch in St. Louis. We’ll update our conference website with information as we have it in addition to sending out emails: ASECS Annual Meeting
  • All applications must be submitted through our online system this year. You can find the link on our website and the list of available sessions: CfP ASECS 2023. You can upload your abstract there, or just copy/paste it in the text box. It’s very easy, and you can email the chairs if you have questions. (Email me if you have technical questions or needs!)
  • You can apply to up to two sessions. Here are some guidelines:
    • Make sure you note that you are submitting two separate applications, and that you note that you’re applying to two sessions – that will help us stay organized.
    • You can only present one paper, so if you’re accepted to two panels, you and the chairs can work together to help you select the one you participate in.
    • You may present one paper and sit on a roundtable (or any other non-panel sessions, like poster sessions and special sessions). 
  • Memberships are based on the fiscal year and not the calendar year (July 1-June 30). You can see how to renew your membership (or check the state of yours via your profile) on our membership page: ASECS Membership
  • Our Twitter and Facebook accounts are increasingly active – thank you to everyone who follows us, reposts and shares our messages, tags us, and uses the hashtag #ASECS2023 to highlight our conference!
  • I’ll be in St. Louis for a site visit Oct. 24-25, 2022. If you’re in that area, please send me an email and I’ll follow up with an invitation to get together with other colleagues.
  • I’m always happy to answer questions and get feedback on the conference or any other part of the work we do, or just to chat. Send me an email, or suggest a time we can chat on the phone or via Zoom.

Distinti saluti –


Benita Blessing, PhD | Executive Director |

IASECS-involved Sessions at ASECS St. Louis 2023

The Call for Papers for the upcoming meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies in St Louis, March 9-11, 2023, is out:

As you consider your paper proposals, we have listed below all the sessions that involve our Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, either by topic, or organizer. Please note that session 53 is our official IASECS session.

ASECS is centralizing how proposals are made this year. There will be a virtual “How-To” session this Friday, September 2 at 11am EST. Paper proposals are due Monday, October 3rd. Please see the above link for more information and links.

IASECS involved sessions in ASECS St. Louis 2023 Call for Papers

Please note that the proposal process is different this year. 

13. “Bodies in Motion” in the Eighteenth-Century, Mariselle Meléndez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 

18. Changing Course: Riverways in the Eighteenth Century, Kathleen Fueger, Independent Scholar,

53. Indigeneity across Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English Empires: Resistance, Negotiation and Collaboration [IASECS Ibero-American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies] Karen Stolley (Emory University) and Elena Deanda-Camacho (Washington College), ,

54. Indigenous, Black, Asian and Mixed-Race Architects and Builders in the Eighteenth-Century Americas, Luis Gordo Peláez, California State University, Fresno, ; Juan Luis Burke, University of Maryland, 

85. Race and Identity in Afro-Iberian-Latin American Literary and Visual Texts during the Eighteenth Century, Oscar Ruiz Hernandez, University of Massachusetts Lowell, 

104. What’s Love Got to Do with It? Marriage and Money in the Eighteenth Century, Renee Gutiérrez, Longwood University, 

IASECS at ISECS Rome 2023

A message from IASECS member Yvonne Fuentes. Please contact her if interested.

Dear all,

I hope you are all doing well. Up to now I have four abstracts – enough to form a session. You can still send them to me until the end of next week, August 5th. Hopefully we’ll get enough for another session on the same broad topic: Whose Antiquity? Hispanic Questions and Reframing of Antiquity.

We will have to include the following information when we submit the panel(s), so please include:
Name, institutional affiliation, academic status and email
Title of your presentation
Short summary (abstract) of paper – max 300 words
Keywords – up to 6
Bionote: short biographical description of yourself in the 3rd person (max 100 words per author)

ASECS 2023 St Louis Session Proposal Deadline extended

The deadline to submit session proposals for the 2023 ASECS Annual Meeting has been extended to Tuesday, June 21. For submission information and instructions visit: The Annual Meeting will take place in St. Louis, March 9–11, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch, St. Louis, MO. The room rate will be $165/night. ASECS will share reservation details in the fall.

Baltimore Business Meeting Notes, ASECS Call for Submissions St. Louis, ASECS Town Hall

Minutes from IASECS Business Meeting
Friday, April 1, 2022

Members in attendance: Valentina Tikoff, Elena Deanda, Betsy Lewis, Enid Valle, Cathy Jaffe, Mehl Penrose, Mariselle Meléndez, Hazel Gold, Karen Stolley, Peggy Bonds, Luis Ramos, Francisco Robles, Allyson Poska, (virtual attendees) Renee Gutiérrez, Kathleen Fueger, Karissa Bushman (if you were present and not accounted for, please let Betsy know, she forgot the pass the attendance list!)

The meeting was led by outgoing IASECS president, Valentina Tikoff
I. Elections: The following members were elected as 2023 officers.
President: Elena Deanda, Washington College
Vice President: Mehl Penrose, University of Maryland
Executive Secretary/Treasurer: Elizabeth Lewis, University of Mary Washington (3-Year Term)
Member-at-Large: (3 years): Hazel Gold, Emory University
Member at-Large: (2 years): Mariselle Meléndez, University of Illinois at Urbanna-Champaign, replacing Nick Wolters
Member-at-Large: (1 year): Karissa Bushman, Quinnipiac University.

II. Reports:
A. Betsy Lewis (Membership and Financial report): We had 17 paying memberships in 2021, and a year-end balance of $4,398.

B. Enid Valle (Prizes and Grants): IASECS Essay Prize 2022 winner is María Carillo-Marquina (University of Delaware) for “Cajitas de Rapé: Miniature Social Landscapes and Imperial Dreaming.” Congratulations, María! We encourage María and all future winners of the essay prize to submit a proposal to present at ASECS the following year, and apply for our IASECS travel grant.

B. Cathy Jaffe (ASECS/ISECS update): 2023 meeting will be in St. Louis, 2024 Toronto, 2025 Philadelphia, 2026 Virtual (tentatively). Jaffe also mentioned that the international eighteenth-century studies conference (ISECS) would occur in Rome in 2023, and that the international Hispanists’ meeting in Neuchâtel originally scheduled for 2022 now also has been re-scheduled for summer 2023.

III. Re-examination of IASECS Constitution: The 5 newly elected 2023 IASECS Executive board (president, vice-president and members-at-large), along with IASECS members Cathy Jaffe, Enid Valle, Peggy Bonds, and Karen Stolley will work together over the coming year to examine our IASECS Constitution in light of the possibility of future hybrid or online meetings and any other adjustments that may be needed. (A vote was taken to charge them with this task.) Some people at the meeting recommended that this committee also give some thought to how to spend IASECS funds. Some ideas included support for contingent scholars, an event [e.g., concert] linked to an IASECS session at an ASECS meeting, etc. The committee will present a report (and motion if needed) for the next business meeting in St. Louis, 2023.

IV. Brainstorming for ASECS 2023, St. Louis. See below ideas for sessions. Guaranteed session submission date, April 25, 2022. All others due May 26, 2022 (Please see announcement below).

Please let Betsy know if your proposed session is accepted.

Possible sessions and proposers:

  • Indigeneity (IASECS official session): Elena Deanda and Karen Stolley
  • Dowries: Valentina Tikoff
  • Bodies in Transit: Mariselle Meléndez
  • Rivers and Peoples, Imaginary and Real: Kathleen Fueger
  • Literature and Language of Exile: Luis Ramos and Francisco Robles
  • Cities’ Patron Saints (tie-in with the St. Louis location of the 2023 conference): Karissa Bushman
  • What’s Love Got to Do with It? Marriage and Money in the Eighteenth Century: Renee Gutiérrez

ASECS 2023 St. Louis Call for Submissions:

We are pleased to share that the Call for Session Proposals for the. ASECS 2023 Annual Meeting in St. Louis is NOW OPEN. For all the details, see here: deadline for submitting proposals is Thursday May 26, 2022.

ASECS Town Hall Meeting May 11, 2022

We also want to remind you that next Wednesday, May 11, at 5pmET, ASECS is hosting a ZOOM Town Hallto discuss the ASECS Membership and Engagement Report. Register here ( to receive the Zoom link. The report itself is available on the ASECS website (, or directly via this link (