Baltimore Business Meeting Notes, ASECS Call for Submissions St. Louis, ASECS Town Hall

Minutes from IASECS Business Meeting
Friday, April 1, 2022

Members in attendance: Valentina Tikoff, Elena Deanda, Betsy Lewis, Enid Valle, Cathy Jaffe, Mehl Penrose, Mariselle Meléndez, Hazel Gold, Karen Stolley, Peggy Bonds, Luis Ramos, Francisco Robles, Allyson Poska, (virtual attendees) Renee Gutiérrez, Kathleen Fueger, Karissa Bushman (if you were present and not accounted for, please let Betsy know, she forgot the pass the attendance list!)

The meeting was led by outgoing IASECS president, Valentina Tikoff
I. Elections: The following members were elected as 2023 officers.
President: Elena Deanda, Washington College
Vice President: Mehl Penrose, University of Maryland
Executive Secretary/Treasurer: Elizabeth Lewis, University of Mary Washington (3-Year Term)
Member-at-Large: (3 years): Hazel Gold, Emory University
Member at-Large: (2 years): Mariselle Meléndez, University of Illinois at Urbanna-Champaign, replacing Nick Wolters
Member-at-Large: (1 year): Karissa Bushman, Quinnipiac University.

II. Reports:
A. Betsy Lewis (Membership and Financial report): We had 17 paying memberships in 2021, and a year-end balance of $4,398.

B. Enid Valle (Prizes and Grants): IASECS Essay Prize 2022 winner is María Carillo-Marquina (University of Delaware) for “Cajitas de Rapé: Miniature Social Landscapes and Imperial Dreaming.” Congratulations, María! We encourage María and all future winners of the essay prize to submit a proposal to present at ASECS the following year, and apply for our IASECS travel grant.

B. Cathy Jaffe (ASECS/ISECS update): 2023 meeting will be in St. Louis, 2024 Toronto, 2025 Philadelphia, 2026 Virtual (tentatively). Jaffe also mentioned that the international eighteenth-century studies conference (ISECS) would occur in Rome in 2023, and that the international Hispanists’ meeting in Neuchâtel originally scheduled for 2022 now also has been re-scheduled for summer 2023.

III. Re-examination of IASECS Constitution: The 5 newly elected 2023 IASECS Executive board (president, vice-president and members-at-large), along with IASECS members Cathy Jaffe, Enid Valle, Peggy Bonds, and Karen Stolley will work together over the coming year to examine our IASECS Constitution in light of the possibility of future hybrid or online meetings and any other adjustments that may be needed. (A vote was taken to charge them with this task.) Some people at the meeting recommended that this committee also give some thought to how to spend IASECS funds. Some ideas included support for contingent scholars, an event [e.g., concert] linked to an IASECS session at an ASECS meeting, etc. The committee will present a report (and motion if needed) for the next business meeting in St. Louis, 2023.

IV. Brainstorming for ASECS 2023, St. Louis. See below ideas for sessions. Guaranteed session submission date, April 25, 2022. All others due May 26, 2022 (Please see announcement below).

Please let Betsy know if your proposed session is accepted.

Possible sessions and proposers:

  • Indigeneity (IASECS official session): Elena Deanda and Karen Stolley
  • Dowries: Valentina Tikoff
  • Bodies in Transit: Mariselle Meléndez
  • Rivers and Peoples, Imaginary and Real: Kathleen Fueger
  • Literature and Language of Exile: Luis Ramos and Francisco Robles
  • Cities’ Patron Saints (tie-in with the St. Louis location of the 2023 conference): Karissa Bushman
  • What’s Love Got to Do with It? Marriage and Money in the Eighteenth Century: Renee Gutiérrez

ASECS 2023 St. Louis Call for Submissions:

We are pleased to share that the Call for Session Proposals for the. ASECS 2023 Annual Meeting in St. Louis is NOW OPEN. For all the details, see here: deadline for submitting proposals is Thursday May 26, 2022.

ASECS Town Hall Meeting May 11, 2022

We also want to remind you that next Wednesday, May 11, at 5pmET, ASECS is hosting a ZOOM Town Hallto discuss the ASECS Membership and Engagement Report. Register here ( to receive the Zoom link. The report itself is available on the ASECS website (, or directly via this link (

Business Meeting Agenda, Friday April 1, 1pm

Our Annual Business Meeting will take place during the ASECS conference in Baltimore, this Friday, April 1st from 1-2pm in Key 10. To request link for virtual attendance please request link below. We regret that at this time members in virtual attendance cannot vote or stand for election.

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I. Elections: The following members have been nominated as 2023 officers. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the meeting.

  • President: Elena Deanda, Washington College
  • Vice President: Mehl Penrose, University of Maryland
  • Executive Secretary/Treasurer: Elizabeth Lewis, University of Mary Washington (for a second, 3-Year Term)
  • Member-at-Large: (3 years): Hazel Gold, Emory University
  • Member at-Large: (2 years): Mariselle Meléndez, University of Illinois at Urbanna-Champaign, replacing Nick Wolters
  • Member-at-Large: (1 year): Karissa Bushman, Quinnipiac University. (last year of elected term in 2023. We do not need to vote on Karissa).

II. Reports:

  • Betsy Lewis (Membership and Financial report)
  • Enid Valle (Prizes and Grants)
  • Cathy Jaffe (ASECS update)

III. Re-examination of IASECS Constitution: We’d like to propose forming a committee to examine our Constitution in light of the possibility of future hybrid or online meetings and any other adjustments that may be needed. The committee present a report (and motion if needed) at the next business meeting in St. Louis, 2023. We thought of proposing that the committee be the 5 members of the newly elected Executive Board, plus 5 more volunteers.

IV. Brainstorming for ASECS 2023, St. Louis. 

IASECS at ASECS Baltimore: Important announcements!!

Our in-person conference in Baltimore is less than two weeks away! Read below for some very important information about the IASECS Business Meeting and Dinner, as well as some other good stuff!

Our annual business meeting will be Friday, April 1, from 1-2pm in room Key 10. This is during a lunch break, so bring you lunch with you if you like! At the business meeting we will elect new officers and brainstorm about sessions for 2023. Let me know if you have any agenda items. I will try to post an agenda on our website by the Monday, March 28th.

Later Friday there is also an ASECS and Affiliate Societies Bar at 6pm in the South Foyer.

The IASECS Dinner will be Friday, April 1, at 7:30pm at the Peruvian restaurant Puerto 511. We have a $69 fixed menu with 6 ‘entradas’, with vegetarian and vegan options. It is BYOB so plan accordingly. Please RSVP via the form by Friday March 25th if you intend to join us. All IASECS members and friends are welcome!

Lastly if you filter the program on the ASECS app for “Spanish” you will find our IASECS involved sessions listed.

RSVP for the IASECS Dinner:

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Upcoming CFP, Grant deadlines March and April

CFP to MLA 2023 (San Francisco) DUE TODAY 3/15:

Dissent and Dissension in Spanish and Iberian Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Literary and Visual Texts. We invite abstracts that explore dissent & dissension at the micro/macro levels. Examples include actors, artists, artisans, craftsmen, writers who pushed back against decrees & social norms while expressing dissent or dissension. 250-word abstracts. Deadline for submissions: Tuesday, 15 March 2022. Nicolás Fernández-Medina, Penn State U ( ) Yvonne Fuentes, U of West Georgia ( )

The Power of Ridicule in Spanish and Iberian Political Satire of the 18th and 19th Centuries We invite 250-word abstracts that explore satire’s function as preserver of the established order; or that question whether it conserves important structures while allowing the collective a therapeutic release of tension. Is satire inherently subversive? Deadline for submissions: Tuesday, 15 March 2022
Yvonne Fuentes, U of West Georgia ( ) Nicolás Fernández-Medina, Penn State U, University Park ( )

Eterno provocador: Reading Spain with Goya We invite 250-word abstracts that explore the figure of Francisco de Goya as a critical reader of the 18th-19thcenturies and a world in crisis. Topics might include illness, violence, death, political repression, working conditions. Deadline for submissions: Friday, 18 March 2022
Maria Elena Soliño, U of Houston ( ) Sara Munoz-Muriana, Dartmouth C ( )

Childhood in 18th- and 19th-Century Spanish and Iberian Culture We invite abstracts that explore childhood, infancy and adolescence in literary and visual representations; failures of the education system; nature vs. nurture; games and toys; children as subjects in culture, politics, and medicine; parenting; gender.
Deadline for submissions: Tuesday, 15 March 2022 Sara Munoz-Muriana, Dartmouth C ( )

UT – LA Studies Travel Fellowship due March 21

LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections at The University of Texas at Austin announces the availability of travel fellowships for faculty from community colleges and qualified Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) across the U.S. to conduct research at the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, one of the premier libraries in the world focused on Latin America. In accordance with Title VI National Resource Center guidelines, this funding is limited to projects that focus on countries in Latin America, and does not include the United States and Puerto Rico.


·       PhD from an accredited institution preferred; MA or equivalent considered for faculty of community colleges

·       Current faculty appointment at a community college or qualifying MSI*

·       Research and teaching interest in Latin America

Applications are due on or before 5:00 PM CST on Monday, March 21, 2022. Please submit applications, in PDF format only, by e-mail to Luis Baeza.

Newberry Library Conference, CFP due April 15

Attending to Women, 1100-1800: Performance

September 30-October 1, 2022
Newberry Library

We welcome proposals for workshop sessions. The extended submission deadline is Friday, April 15, 2022.

Workshops are 90-minute sessions organized by a group of two to four leaders who circulate readings, questions, and other materials in advance through the conference website. Leaders spend no more than twenty minutes framing the issues and opening up the conversation, then facilitate active participation and focused discussion. The best workshops are often comparative and interdisciplinary, and all allow participants to share information, pass on knowledge, ask advice, and learn something new. All workshop organizers are expected to register for, attend, and participate in the entire conference, not just their workshop.

For more information about the conference, including a list of plenary speakers and information about submitting a workshop proposal, please visit the conference website here:

If you have any questions about the conference, please send an email to

Call for Papers MLA 2023

From our IASECS member, Yvonne Fuentes:

Here are two CfP for MLA 2023. Send an abstract and join us!

Dissent and Dissension in Spanish and Iberian Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Literary and Visual Texts

We invite abstracts that explore dissent & dissension at the micro/macro levels. Examples include actors, artists, artisans, craftsmen, writers who pushed back against decrees & social norms while expressing dissent or dissension. 250-word abstracts.

Deadline for submissions: Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Nicolás Fernández-Medina, Penn State U ( ) Yvonne Fuentes, U of West Georgia ( )

The Power of Ridicule in Spanish and Iberian Political Satire of the 18th and 19th Centuries.

We invite 250-word abstracts that explore satire’s function as preserver of the established order; or that question whether it conserves important structures while allowing the collective a therapeutic release of tension. Is satire inherently subversive?

Deadline for submissions: Tuesday, 15 March 2022Yvonne Fuentes, U of West Georgia ( ) Nicolás Fernández-Medina, Penn State U, University Park ( )

ASECS Voting Extended to Feb 28th

Despite many emails from the ASECS office, only about 15% of members have voted so far! Please vote in the ASECS elections, which close February 28 at 11:59pmET. 

The ballot is available at this link (

To vote, login on the left side of the webpage with your membership number and password.

If you do not know your membership number, visit to have it emailed to you.

If you still have issues, please email

Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment (CIRGEN): Upcoming Conference

From our colleagues at the Universitat de València, working on the EU-sponsored CIRGEN project:

We are pleased to announce the programme for our Conference Gender, Modernity and the Global Enlightenment, which will take place on February 23, 24 and 25, online and in person.

Venue: Facultat de Geografia i Història. Salón de Grados (1st floor).

Avinguda Blasco Ibáñez, 28. 46010 València (Spain).

Attendance is free, but please register here by the 20th whether you plan to attend online or in person (please note that places are limited).

We are looking forward to seeing many of you soon!


ASECS Baltimore Updates

A few updates and reminders in anticipation of our upcoming annual meeting in Baltimore March 31-April 2.

Early-bird registration for ASECS in Baltimore ends today, February 7th! Here is the registration link: You can also find the draft program, and hotel information there.

Deadline for submissions to the Graduate Student Paper prize, as well as various travel grants are coming up on February 15th. Please see our page Prizes and Grants, or contact Enid Valle.

Remember to renew your dues, or join us if you haven’t done that officially yet. See the bottom of our website menu to mail in dues, or pay via Paypal under the “Donate” button.

Lastly, be on the lookout for information about our annual IASECS meeting and dinner, to be held on Friday, April 1, 2022 in Baltimore.

Updated Draft of IASECS-involved sessions at ASECS sessions in Baltimore

This post has been updated with the addition of a pre-conference teaching workshop led by Renee Gutierrez on March 30th.

Below is a listing of IASECS member involved sessions scheduled for our upcoming meeting in Baltimore, March 31-April 2, 2022. There are some of our sessions that coincide, so let Betsy know if you’d like to see if we could move a session that you chair. Some of you may know that the MLA just ended and was not a huge success with Omicron and snow. Hopefully we will fare better in March!

Sessions with IASECS members in draft ASECS program (as of 15 Dec. 2021, please let us know if we’ve missed someone)

March 30th, 1:00-4:00

Course Revision Workshop: Inclusive Approaches that Help All Students Achieve Learning Outcomes

Session II: Thursday, 31 March, 9:45-11:15 a.m.

CFP 149: Colonial Enlightenments of Enlightened Colonialisms (page [7] of draft program): Elena Deanda-Camacho & Mariselle Melendez

Session IV: Thursday, 31 March, 2:30-4:00 p.m.

CFP 163: Eighteenth-Century Port Cities (page [14] of draft program): Karen Stolley, Valentina Tikoff, & Mariselle Melendez

Session V: Thursday, 31 March, 4:15-5:45 p.m.

CFP 170: Roundtable: Early Caribbean Currents (page [17] of draft program): Omar Miranda

Session VI, Friday, 1 April, 8:00-9:30 a.m.

CFP 58: Women and Work in the Global Eighteenth Century I (pages [19-20] of draft program): Betsy Lewis & Yolopath Hernández-Torres

Session VII: Friday, 1 April, 9:45-11:15 a.m.

CFP 35: The Eighteenth-Century Last Will and Testament I (page [22] of draft program): Pamela Phillips & Yvonne Fuentes

CFP 58.1: Women and Work in the Global Eighteenth Century II (pages [22-23] of draft program): Betsy Lewis

CFP 174: Territoriality, language and power in the 18th-century Ibero-American World (page [24] of draft program) IASECS-sponsored session Cathy Jaffe & Gabriela Villanueva Noriega

Session X: Saturday, 2 April, 9:45-11:15 a.m.

CFP 87: North and South: Mapping the Eighteenth-Century Idea of Europe (pages [34-35] of draft program): Hazel Gold, Monica Bolufer, and Clorinda Donato

Session XI: Saturday, 2 April, 2:00-3:30 p.m.

CFP 147: The Unproductive—Sexualities (page [40] of draft program): Elena Deanda

Session XII: Saturday, 2 April, 3:45-5:15 p.m.

CFP 147: The The Eighteenth-Century Last Will and Testament II (page [40] of draft program): Pamela Phillips

Please remember to fill out ASECS survey

As you may know, ASECS has partnered with Gladiator Consulting to undertake a survey of the Society’s membership. It is imperative that a broad cross-section of the Society’s membership complete the survey, the results of which will help set ASECS’s agenda for the future. I am writing to encourage you to complete the survey. You should have received a link through the email address associated with your ASECS account—you might need to check your SPAM filter. The subject line of the email is “ASECS Membership Survey” and it will come from If you have not received the link, or have any issues, please contact

The survey will assist ASECS in:
● understanding our member demographics, disciplines, working conditions, and
conference preferences
● shaping our mission, vision, and purpose as a scholarly organization
● understanding what is working for members and where we might enhance
member experience and benefits
● understanding membership perceptions around diversity and inclusion at ASECS
● gathering diversity and inclusion information with respect to member experience